Sunday, August 16, 2009

Update from May 29, 2009 Posting!

I spoke to Brenda Underwood the Coldwell Banker realtor of Mr. Farrell's home. She told me that two weeks after they placed his home on the market, it was SOLD!

I don't apologize when I say, "Praise God"! That is definitely awesome!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cleaning House Project

This particular project has been a three day process. The living room, family room, dining room and kitchen were finished on day one. The following photographs consist of a few before and after's. This was a cleaning and organizing project. Usually I don't clean houses, however, I was able to assist a client with some long overdue cleaning and organizing.

Here are a few of the following before and after pictures:

Office Before:

Office After:

Office Before:

Office After:

Little Girl's Closet Before:

Little Girl's Closet After:

Little Girl's Closet After:

Girl's Room Before:

Girl's Room After:

Girl's Room Before:

Girl's Room After:

Guest/Kid's Bathroom Before:

Guest/Kid's Bathroom After:

From Decluttered to Restored

It was a housecleaning project turned organizing and staging.

Try to imagine these spaces before: the rooms filled with chaos of everyday living. Children's clothes laying on the floor, covering the dining room table, furniture strewn throughout the room with no order along with papers laying on the floor. Imagine a small twister going through a house and leaving behind the ruin.Being on a mission to get it cleaned up, the camera was not a priority on my 'top ten' list. However, here are the after photographs of my client's home...from 'decluttered to restored'.

Click on each picture below and you will see the enlarged version. When finished just click the 'back' arrow in the top left corner of your screen.

Front Living Room After:

Family Room After:

Dining Room After: